Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Mercy

The Mercy

Mercy is defined as compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Mercy is what we all hope for when we find ourselves in a state of compromise. Assuredly, human beings have and will continue to find themselves in states of unequal power. When we land on the low side of the gradient we become very attuned to the need for mercy. If we find ourselves in a state of greater power we have a deep responsibility to care for those less fortunate. Folks who find a higher station in life bear the greater responsibility to take care of those less fortunate.

When God asked us to become human He endowed us with qualities to withstand the trials of human life.  Divine Creation knew it was going to get rough due to the feeling of separation from Source. Holy Design includes polarity and separation as part of the challenges for the human being. The first  endowment from the Creator to compensate for polarity, separation and suffering is the provision of Mercy.

As we walk through the challenge of Covid-19 we experience deep separation from life as we knew it previously.  An individual's station in life provides one clue as to how a person may respond to current events. But a deeper provision for response lies within the individual spiritual heart.

Deep fear of survival is understandable given the polarized division over the course of action to be taken  given this unprecedented challenge. American people hold pride in the belief of self-reliance to survive and to thrive. They work hard. Right? Global social distancing is impacting worldwide economy; folks are unable to navigate the next move to ensure survival. Everything is different now. We have never seen anything like this before. If we reach into the depths of our hearts and feel the need for unity and love for all people the answers will come.

I cannot say what the outcome of this pandemic will be. There are contrary theories running in every direction. To remain in the present moment taking good care of our spiritual hearts I recommend self care. I suggest we begin with mercy for our predicament. I suggest looking into our own heart and soul finding compassion and forgiveness for the situation we face. Allow the Holy Divine to reveal the mercy in our hearts. When compassion and forgiveness register in the heart, we will know because this deep feeling will expand to include the same mercy to our fellow human.  The answers lie in Divine Mercy.


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